Inline Ultra “Mini”


2.4 × 0.7 × 0.3 in

Asset tracking and logistics:
  • Postal and road toll management
  • Truck, wagon and train tracking
  •  Supply chain management
  •  Pallet and goods tracking
  •  Furniture, boxes, and tools
Waste management:
  • Commercial and industrial
  • Bin identification
Technology Highlights:
  • Worldwide operating frequencies from 860 to 960 MHz
  • Fully interoperable; standards compliant
  • Reliable performance on both metal and non-metal surfaces
  • Waterproof under high pressure / high-temperature conditions; chemical and impact resistant
  • Mounting options include nails, screws, rivets, welding, and glues
  • Large memory of up to 512-bit user memory and 128-bit EPC
